Dentures in Columbus

Dentures in
Columbus, OH

Dentures are a popular dental treatment solution for individuals who have lost their natural teeth due to injury, decay, or age. They are custom-made, removable replacements that restore the function and appearance of your mouth. Dentures can come in full or partial sets depending on the needs of the patient. Full dentures replace all of your teeth, while partial dentures only replace a few missing teeth. Dentures offer a viable and affordable solution for those living in Columbus, OH, who want to regain their confident smile and improve their oral health.

Columbus Dentures

Why Should I Get Dentures?

The decision to get dentures can significantly improve your quality of life. Without a full set of teeth, simple tasks like eating and speaking can become challenging and uncomfortable. Dentures restore these basic functions, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and communicate clearly. Moreover, dentures provide support for facial muscles, preventing them from sagging and maintaining your face's natural shape. They also improve your appearance by giving you a full, bright smile, boosting your self-confidence. Call our Columbus dentist for more information!

Did you know…

tooth icon

Modern dentures are designed to look just like natural teeth!

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The Benefits of Dentures

Improved Oral Health

Dentures not only replace missing teeth but also contribute to better oral health. By filling in the gaps left by lost teeth, dentures prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of place, which can lead to misalignment and other dental issues. Furthermore, dentures can help mitigate the risks of gum disease and tooth decay by providing a barrier against food particles and bacteria.

Enhanced Comfort and Functionality

Modern dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth precisely, ensuring a comfortable fit. They restore the functionality of your teeth, allowing you to chew and speak normally. Unlike in the past, today's dentures are designed to stay securely in place, providing a level of comfort and reliability that enhances your daily life.

Boosted Self-Esteem

Missing teeth can significantly impact your self-confidence, affecting your willingness to smile or engage in social situations. Dentures provide a solution, giving you a full set of beautiful, natural-looking teeth. With a new, confident smile, you can feel better about your appearance and express yourself freely.

See the Before and After

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The Denture Treatment Process

Consultation and Examination

Your journey to a new smile begins with a consultation and thorough dental examination. Dr. Ellen Saslaw will discuss your dental history, your needs, and your expectations. She will also examine your oral health to determine the most suitable type of dentures for you.

Impressions and Fitting

Once it's decided that dentures are the best solution for you, Dr. Saslaw will take precise impressions of your mouth. These impressions are used to craft dentures that fit your mouth perfectly. You may need to visit the clinic a few times to ensure the dentures fit correctly and comfortably.

Adjustment and Guidance

After receiving your dentures, you may need some time to adjust to the new feeling. Dr. Saslaw will provide guidance on how to care for your dentures and how to adapt to eating and speaking with them. She will also schedule follow-up appointments to check your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your dentures.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Before ImageAfter Image

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Am I a good candidate for dentures?

If you are looking into dentures as an option to replace your missing teeth, the first step is to come in for a one on one consultation with your dentist. They’ll examine your mouth and determine the state of your oral health, the health of your jaw and gums, and whether dentures are right for you. They can also help guide you on alternative treatments if there’s another restorative treatment that might work better for your smile goals.

Will my insurance cover dentures?

Dentures are a very popular restorative procedure and are relatively affordable too. Because of this, most dental insurance plans cover at least a portion of the cost of dentures. However, this all depends on your specific insurance coverage. To better understand your dental insurance benefits, we recommend contacting your provider or a member of our team today.

How are dentures made?

Dentures are made of a metal and acrylic framework. This durable prosthetic will be created at a trusted partner lab. To begin, your doctor will create an impression or model of your teeth and gums, then send it to the lab to construct an acrylic model of your teeth according to the impressions or digital models. Once your dentures are done and we have received them, we will place them in your mouth and make adjustments so they fit just right.

How do dentures look?

With today’s technology and high-resolution scans and images, your dentist will create a set of custom dentures that are designed to look as close to your natural smile as possible. All dentures are molded to fit almost seamlessly to your jaw and gum line to ensure a comfortable, confident fit.

How long do dentures last?

On average, dentures usually last about seven to ten years. Your mouth is constantly changing, so your dentures will need adjustments from time to time to ensure they fit properly. We recommend annual checkups for your dentures to ensure they are in optimal condition. This will extend the longevity of your dentures so you can save money, and enjoy your smile!

Are dentures comfortable?

Adjusting to dentures is different for everyone. Some patients may notice some discomfort when getting used to their new set, which is perfectly normal. Before you leave our office, we will ensure that your new dentures are well-fitted to your gums to avoid any potential slipping or rubbing. In addition, caring for your dentures properly at home will help prevent damage like bending or cracking which can also contribute to discomfort.

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